Latin America/Caribbean

Argentina’s Mooted Mainstream Macri-Fundamentals

Argentina’s stocks and bonds extended  double-digit rallies with opposition candidate Macri’s 51-49 percent win over President Fernandez’s chosen Peronist successor ...

Haiti’s Ineluctable Election Rumbles

Haiti’s presidential elections went into a second round amid continued violent protests that also complicated parliamentary runoffs, as allegations mounted ...

Peru’s Hesitant Host Gestures

The IMF-World Bank annual meetings in Peru could not shake it MSCI stock market component from its lethargy, as a ...

Brazil’s Uphill Downgrade Damage Control

Brazilian stocks and bonds remained in the performance cellar as S&P beat other ratings agencies to a sovereign junk assignment ...

Venezuela’s Overripe Revolution Crossing

Venezuelan President Maduro, after seizing more multinational company food warehouses and banning jailed opposition leaders from end-year parliamentary elections, ordered ...

Cuba’s Hoisted Flag Flaps

Havana and Washington reopened their embassies in solemn ceremonies attended by veterans of the decades ago break in diplomatic relations, ...

Mexico’s Repeated Knockout Rounds

Mexican stocks further slid and the peso was off almost 20 percent the past twelve months approaching 16/dollar, as the ...

The Andeans’ Papal Visit Penance

As the first modern pope from Latin America returned to the continent landing first in Ecuador, Andean stock markets down ...

Argentina’s Rechristened Populist Pomp

Argentina’s pre-election bond and stock rally paused as the candidate slates began to line up, with the ruling Peronists still ...

Brazil’s Nagging Next Century Sale

Brazil’s external debt went negative on the EMBI and stocks were down 15 percent on the MSCI index despite Petrobras’ ...

