Bangladesh’s Unheard Crisis Relief Cry
By pwsadmin |
After a 2.5% first quarter loss on the MSCI frontier index as the only down Asian component, Bangladesh shares continued ...
Central Asia’s Truculent Trio Test
By pwsadmin |
Central Asian financial markets lacked clear direction after a maelstrom of political, economic a banking system, and international lender cross-currents ...
China’s Teflon Tariff Tiffs
By pwsadmin |
As China and the US continued their cycle of equal tariff retaliation on agricultural and industrial goods and threatened tighter ...
Myanmar’s Reform Wave Riptide
By pwsadmin |
As the US and EU debate tougher trade and diplomatic sanctions against Myanmar for expulsion and killing of Muslim Rohingya ...
Asia Local Bonds’ Yanked Yields
By pwsadmin |
The Asian Development Bank’s March regular survey of nine domestic bond markets, with insights from the last quarter of 2017 ...
Asean’s Split Sentiment Sentry
By pwsadmin |
ASEAN’s main stock markets were mixed heading into the first quarter close, with Thailand and Malaysia at the front with ...
The Asian Development Bank’s Indochina Bond Barrage
By pwsadmin |
While Cambodia and Myanmar, despite logging high-single digit GDP growth, have been off mainstream investor radar screens as they face ...
China’s Wagging Tail Risk Tide
By pwsadmin |
Entering the Lunar Year of the Dog Chinese and Hong Kong shares slumped on local and global fears after 2017 ...
South Asia’s Bulging Belt Lashes
By pwsadmin |
China’s multi-trillion dollar hard and soft infrastructure investment Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), officially entering its fifth year, was again ...
Kazakhstan’s Sullied Diplomatic Splash
By pwsadmin |
Kazakhstan’s MSCI frontier stock component, after a 70% gain, and dollar bond prices at 130 cents both sputtered into 2018 ...