
Bangladesh’s Unheard Crisis Relief Cry

After a 2.5% first quarter loss on the MSCI frontier index as the only down Asian component, Bangladesh shares continued ...

Central Asia’s Truculent Trio Test

Central Asian financial markets lacked clear direction after a maelstrom of political, economic a banking system, and international lender cross-currents ...

China’s Teflon Tariff Tiffs

As China and the US continued their cycle of equal tariff retaliation on agricultural and industrial goods and threatened tighter ...

Myanmar’s Reform Wave Riptide

As the US and EU debate tougher trade and diplomatic sanctions against Myanmar for expulsion and killing of Muslim Rohingya ...

Asia Local Bonds’ Yanked Yields

The Asian Development Bank’s March regular survey of nine domestic bond markets, with insights from the last quarter of 2017 ...

Asean’s Split Sentiment Sentry

ASEAN’s main stock markets were mixed heading into the first quarter close, with Thailand and Malaysia at the front with ...

The Asian Development Bank’s Indochina Bond Barrage

While Cambodia and Myanmar, despite logging high-single digit GDP growth, have been off mainstream investor radar screens as they face ...

China’s Wagging Tail Risk Tide

Entering the Lunar Year of the Dog Chinese and Hong Kong shares slumped on local and global fears after 2017 ...

South Asia’s Bulging Belt Lashes

China’s multi-trillion dollar hard and soft infrastructure investment Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), officially entering its fifth year, was again ...

Kazakhstan’s Sullied Diplomatic Splash

Kazakhstan’s MSCI frontier stock component, after a 70% gain, and dollar bond prices at 130 cents both sputtered into 2018 ...

