
China’s Disconnected Landing Gear

Chinese shares turned positive as the official PMI approached 52 on a record monthly trade surplus and Shanghai-Hong Kong cross-trading ...

Mongolia’s Steppe Change Struggle

Mongolian stocks were flat on the local index as Moody’s knocked the sovereign outlook to negative on a combination of ...

Vietnam’s Riotous History Hump

Vietnamese shares remained up 10 percent through July after anti-Chinese riots over maritime conflict endangered mainland ties before compensation was ...

Japan’s Slung Arrow Aroma

Japanese investment trusts with over $40 billion in assets continued their EM bond outflow streak offsetting US and European inflows ...

Malaysia’s Fraternal Merger Feelings

Malaysian shares retained modest gains through July as Islamic finance powerhouse CIMB run by the prime minister’s brother reprised merger ...

Pakistan’s Air Raid Recoil Tendencies

Pakistan stocks lost ground but held on to 10 percent mid-year MSCI gains following dramatic Taliban airport and airliner attacks ...

Asia Bonds’ Stiff Bounce Bearings

The Asian Development Bank’s QI Local Bond Monitor hailed renewed “bounce” after the Fed tapering spook as market size topped ...

China’s Treading IPO Trance

Chinese stocks with a 5 percent MSCI decline through mid-year were roused from their torpor as IPOs suspended for months ...

East Asia’s Testy Maturity Markers

Korea’s bid for developed market inclusion was indefinitely shelved by MSCI on marginal gains through June, while the Philippines got ...

Bangladesh’s Stitched Repair Reaping

Bangladesh equities up almost 20 percent were at the MSCI frontier top range through May on the anniversary of the ...

