
China’s Delayed Graduation Gradients

Chinese stocks endured $7 billion in foreign fund outflows with the index still up 25 percent as MSCI decided not ...

Myanmar’s Capsized Investor Opening Optimism

The Rohingya refugee crisis, sending thousands of poor persecuted Muslims in Myanmar by boat to neighboring Asian shores, reflects lingering ...

China’s Swirling Sediment Trails

China stocks were up 35 percent on the MSCI index through April on record $275 billion in retail investor margin ...

Central Asia’s Ratcheted Ruble Zone Remorse

Despite the ruble’s recent bounce with global oil prices, the Asian Development Bank joined other official lenders in downgrading the ...

ASEAN’s Wayward Community Comity

With the ten-nation ASEAN Economic Community going into effect this year, an IMF working paper urged faster financial integration despite ...

India’s Compounded Common Man Muddle

Indian shares’ positive momentum stalled as Prime Minister’s BJP was drubbed by the Common Man (AAP) party in Delhi’s city ...

Bangladesh’s Harried Hartel Hurdles

Bangladesh shares, after leading the MSCI Frontier index in 2014 with a 40 percent spurt, tumbled in the first two ...

Currency Warriors’ Pacific Battleground March

The Trans-Pacific trade negotiations between the US and a dozen Asian and Latin American countries entered their final stretch as ...

Malaysia’s Errant Swing Swagger

Malaysian stocks slipped further after a soft 2014 as Prime Minster Najib’s popularity  crumpled  with an overseas golf outing during ...

China’s Marauding Margin Creep

Chinese shares seesawed as regulators extended a crackdown on retail investor marginal loans beyond the biggest brokers after the amount ...

