
Kazakhstan’s Chilly Privatization Promotion

Kazakh shares stayed in the back of the MSCI frontier pack with a 45 percent drop despite President Nazarbaev’s whirlwind ...

Myanmar’s Pesky Post-Election Pause

Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party may have won a parliamentary majority with the military’s USDP conceding ...

Singapore’s Hazy Future Funk

Singapore shares were down 20 percent on the MSCI Index through September, as the economy tipped into quarterly recession and ...

Central Asia’s Stunted Succession Syndrome

The IMF joined the Asian Development Bank in downgrading GDP growth forecasts for Central Asia and the Caucuses this year ...

Asia Bonds’ Dreaded Destabilization Encore

The Asian Development Bank’s September bond monitor profiled a 5 percent rise in Q2 in local  instruments outstanding to $8.6 ...

India’s Mutated Mutual Suspicion

Indian stocks continued to languish after August’s $2 billion in net foreign investor outflows, as Finance Minister Jaitley prodded the ...

President Xi’s Summit Non-Performance Spotlight

Chinese President Xi’s visit to Washington beginning September 24 has been on the calendar since US President Obama’s invitation last ...

China’s Citadel Storm Retreat

Chinese stocks were down 15 percent in July, including a one-day drop the last week for half the loss, with ...

Kazakhstan’s Carefree Corridor Talk

Kazakhstan issued EMEA’s biggest sovereign bond this year as a dual tranche $4 billion instrument was oversubscribed at 5-6 percent ...

China’s Chain Reaction Share Chastening

Asian emerging stock markets, already weakening at mid-year with their own difficulties, shed another one percent in the immediate wake ...

