
China’s Shrouded Shenzhen Shuffle

Chinese shares aimed to slough off negative performance and fund outflows, in contrast with the core emerging market surge elsewhere, ...

Mongolia’s Wistful Wolf Cry (Asia Times)

The Mongolian Stock Exchange, after a 15 percent fall in the local index, was poised for a comeback after the ...

Pakistan’s Heartfelt Historic Hump

Pakistan shares led the MSCI Asia frontier pack with a 5 percent gain through May in anticipation of the index ...

The G-7’s Wrung War Cry (Asia Times)

The G-7 summit in Japan, despite currency war talk, was a tame event hardly moving Asian financial markets. It was ...

The Asian Development Bank’s Anxious Anniversary Angles

The Asian Development Bank marked 50 years of operation at its annual meeting in Frankfurt, symbolizing its diverse shareholder and ...

The Treasury’s New Currency Interference Signal

The US Treasury Department issued the first version of its periodic currency manipulation report under 2015 trade enforcement legislation overriding ...

Asia Bonds’ Confidence Loss Creak

The March local currency Asia Bond Monitor prepared by a separate Asian Development Bank team cited “confidence loss” as the ...

China’s Rutted Road Trip

As the Chinese President visited the Middle East to promote the One Belt, One Road outward trade and investment program ...

China’s Latin America Loan Double Trouble

The Inter-American Dialogue’s 2015 database of Chinese official loans proclaimed a “doubling down” of commitments which were up $19 billion ...

Pakistan’s Miffed Military Lull

Pakistan shares were down almost 20 percent on the MSCI frontier index  into December, despite relative security calm from a ...

