Insights About Global Emerging Market Issues

Brazil’s Tax Dodge Drift

Brazilian shares and the real were stuck in their slump despite the surprise removal of the 6 percent tax on ...

The Andes’ Dizzying Descent Demons

Peru was the worst Latin American core universe performer through May with a 20 percent decline with Colombia almost at ...

Argentina’s Historic Holdout Histrionics

As Argentine stocks and bonds firmed awaiting the US Appeals court verdict on distressed fund exchange instrument repayment and pari ...

Mexico’s Momentary Modernization Muddle

Mexican shares swooned briefly just before a trip by US President Obama to hail the country’s “moment” as in the ...

Venezuela’s Unripe Presidential Pickings

Venezuelan stocks and bonds shuddered on the challenged squeaker presidential election win of Chavez ally Maduro, whose 1 percent margin ...

The East Caribbean’s Fraying Union Label

The East Caribbean Central Bank, which manages the 2.7 to the dollar currency peg for eight island monetary union members, ...

Argentina’s Divine Intervention Dalliance

Argentine shares were unmoved in the MSCI frontier index cellar despite euphoria over the Buenos Aires archbishop’s election as pope, ...

Central America’s Off-Center Sentiments

As the Inter-American Development Bank annual meeting convened in Panama, previous pariah Honduras joined the recent isthmus issuance parade, despite ...

The Caribbean’s Dastardly Debt Do-Overs

Jamaica, which was the only MSCI frontier stock market down in January, was further maligned with a sovereign rating default ...

Colombia’s Wafting Wake-Up Scent

Colombian shares lagged regional peers even as lead listing Ecopetrol’s capitalization became the continent’s largest, bumping Brazil’s state oil contender ...



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